In order to shoot one needs: pistol/revolver, holster, magazines/speedloaders, and of course proper eye and ear protection. In addition, all new shooters are required to complete a safety brief held on weeks one or five of the “season” prior to shooting.
Pistol League
Loosely based on IPSC “limited” or IDPA competition using pistols or revolvers without optical sights or added compensators.
Course of fire varies weekly with each course scored by points divided by time.
Targets include paper silhouettes and plates plus steel or other reactive targets. Matches can include drawing from a holster, reloads under the clock, fire and movement, and firing from cover.
Each season is 10 weeks long finishing with a banquet for all shooters.
Safe gun handling is stressed at all times in this league.
Fall and Winter 2022 Schedule
Whats New With Pistol?
Fall 2022 and Winter 2023 Pistol League Update
The new schedule for the fall 2022 and winter 2023 pistol league has been announced. All dates are on the calendar and an updated flyer is below. Check out our pistol page for more details and league information.
New Videos!
We have new content posted showing the shooters point of view in our Action Pistol and Multi-Gun leagues. Head over to the videos page to check it out!
Summer Pistol League
The summer 2019 Pistol League schedule has been announced. Things kick off tomorrow 6/25!! Good luck to all who are part of the league this year!
New Pistol League Schedule/Flyer
Hello Everyone! The new schedule/flyer for the spring 2019 Pistol league has been posted. Head over to the Pistol league page for more information: Click Here
Fall Pistol League Schedule
The new schedule for our Fall pistol league has been posted and dates added to the club calendar. Hop over to the Pistol League page to check it out!