Category: Pond
HRGC COVID 19 Plan/Guidelines
Board Meeting Canceled Tonight 2/27
Fishing At The Pond – Reminder
Kids Day 2017!!!
Our annual Kids Day will be this Saturday June 24th. The festivities will get started at 9am with the Fishing Derby and lunch will be served around noon. In the afternoon, there will be golf ball and trap shooting for older kids.
Sign-ups for the fishing derby begin at 8am and there will be prizes for all.
Get Your Work Hours
Starting in 2017 the rate charged for work hours will be increasing. To keep your annual dues low, come on down and volunteer for work hours!
There is always a lot to do around the grounds, pond and facilities to get your 8 hours. Contact Darryl Heintz or Dorr Dunbar if you are interested in volunteering. Contact phone numbers are posted on the bulletin board at the club.