Author: amcclellan
New Dates for .22, 3-Gun and Cabin Fever Shoots
Hello Everyone!
New dates for .22, Multi-Gun and Cabin Fever Shoots have been announced and added to the clubs calendar. The dates and times are below:
22 multi-gun shoots start 5pm-8pm
“Indoors”. ” outdoors ”
1/3/19 6/6/19
2/7/19 8/1/19
3/7/19 10/3/194/4/19
3-gun shoot starts 5pm-8pm
Cabin fever shoots “center fire pistol” start 2pm-6pm.
Fall Pistol League Schedule
Holland Scholastic Youth Trap League – Schedule
The schedule, flyer and information is available for the 2018 season for the Holland Scholastic Youth Trap League. Click Here to head over to the Youth Trap page for more information.
Lets encourage and support our local youth to get off to a great season!!!
Monday Night Trap League!!
Our Monday night Variety Trap League is in full swing. Head over to the Trap page for all of the details, Click Here.
Volunteers Needed!!
Saturday 7/21 from 10am to 2pm, the club is hosting an Open House so that current and prospective members can get to know the club, its facilities and league offerings. We are in need of volunteers to help answer questions and help with general tasks.
If you can help please be at the club by 9:30am on Saturday. This will count towards work hours for the year!
Kids Day is Today
Updated Schedule for Trap/Pig League
new dates have been announced for the clubs 2018 Trap events. Dates for Open Trap and the Pig League have had a slight change due to weather. They are also on the club calendar. To view the flyer for Pig League, click here to head over to the Trap Page for more information!! We hope to see you there!
Kids Day 2018 Information!!
Holland Youth Trap at the Tulip Festival!!!
The Holland Scholastic Youth Trap League had a float in the parade of the Holland Tulip Festival. During the Fall 2017 season the Holland team became Class “A” State Champs!!
Check out the pictures on our media/picture page: Click Here