Hunter Education
NYS DEC Hunter Education Classes:
Throughout the year, the club hosts hunter education classes for various hunting methods. Classes are held during the late summer months heading up to the hunting season. Please see below upcoming classes and registration details. You can find a full listing of hunter education opportunities at the NYS DEC site:
Upcoming Hunter Education Class at HRGC:
Date: 8/26/2023
Instructor: Darryl
Time: 7:45am to 5:00pm
Registration Link:
NYS DEC Hunter Education Instructors:
The board has expressed an interest in offering services to our members and community. We would like to continue to offer the NYS hunter safety courses. Any one certified or wanting to be certified as a NYS Hunter Safety Instructor please email Darryl by filling out the form below. Here is a link to the NYS DEC about becoming an instructor.